
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Traditional doors in Ljubljana, Slovenia

In Ljubljana our attention was caught by beautiful traditional doors at the entrance of many buildings.

We are not usually very sensitive at these details, but this time we could not help but notice them, so we decided to share some photos with you:


  1. Ah, you got some great photos of Ljubljana. Did you see the Dragon Bridge, my favorite. But isnt the market place great? Come in summer.

  2. I guess we've seen pretty much all of the old city of Ljubljana - we liked it very much also

    Aurora, we deleted your other post from the milk machines, because it contained too many links to other websites. If it was just a link to your blog post about the same matter, it would have been OK

  3. Beautiful photos in all four posts of Ljubljana. It really seems you visited the city on one of the best winter days possible.

    Keep up the good work!
