
Friday, February 19, 2010

Greedy carnaval organisers in Luxembourg

What surprised us in relation to the carnavals in Luxembourg was that the organisers charged a fee for the simple spectators.

The ones in Schifflange charged EUR 5/person, in Esch-sur-Alzette will ask EUR 5/person and the ones in Diekirch asked EUR 6/person (well they asked, but with a little bit of initiative one could enter the parade without paying).

We find this policy to be inappropriate (to say the least), as carnavals would be nothing without the spectators.

Imagine the cortege of Diekirch passing through the empty streets: what good would that be?
Would they still organise the carnaval if no one would be attending it?

These carnavals are popular celebrations and the spectators have as much importance as the cortege.

1 comment:

  1. You are right, i was attending the Carnaval in Diekirch last week, i paid when i taking the shuttle bus, but i feel weird. Anyway the tickets seems have a lucky draw, keep it maybe we win the prize finally
