
Friday, February 12, 2010

Smoking breaks are good for non-smokers, too

What do we mean by the above?

Even if one does not smoke, we recommend to take the smoking break along with their colleagues who smoke.

It is a good opportunity to relax for a couple of minutes and to take a breath of fresh air (mixed with some cigarette smoke :)

Also, it is one of the easiest ways to get to know your colleagues, as they are usually more relaxed and open to conversations when smoking.

Not to forget that you can get up-to-date with the latest news and rumors going around the company. It would be strange for a group of people to sit together smoking without saying nothing. At the same time, conversations about the weather and sport events end-up pretty quickly. So, to avoid the awkward moments of silence, people starting sharing various information they have about the company, trying to develop an interesting discussion.

Last, but not least, why work during those minutes when your colleagues are enjoying themselves :)

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