
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bretzelsonndeg in Luxembourg this Sunday, March 14, 2010

Probably you all have noticed the abundance of oversized pretzels flooding all bakeries and supermarkets this week around Luxembourg.

Well, this is in relation to the Bretzelsonndeg tradition (the Sunday of the pretzels), which usually takes places during the third week-end of the Easter fast. Some say that this also marks the end of the carnaval period.

Traditionally, on this day, young men offered to their loved ones a pretzel and, if it was accepted, they were allowed to visit the girls on Easter Sunday.

However, nowadays, as we've seen with the fee charged to attend the carnavals, people are trying to take advantage and make an exaggerated profit out of it:

As you can see in the picture above, local bakeries sell them for around EUR 20 / kilogram, which is outrageous, taking into consideration that it is just a piece of bread covered with almonds.

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