
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Papanasi (Romanian cheese donuts) - recipe (including photos)

  • 500 grams of cottage cheese
  • 300 - 350 grams of wheat flour
  • 200 milliliters sunflower oil
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • baking powder
  • vanilla sugar
  • salt
  • fresh cream
  • jam

Mix the cheese with the eggs, the salt, the sugar, the vanilla sugar and the baking powder (previously mixed with the juice of 1 lemon).

Add the flower and mix until the dough can be handled without sticking.

Add the zest from the lemon and mix.

Make rings of dough, and small balls to cover the inside of the ring.

Fry them in the sunflower oil at slow fire until are brown.

Put the ring on a plate, put the small ball on top and cover them in fresh cream and jam.

Bon Appetit!

The original recipe can be found here

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