
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Polenta with cheese and sausages - recipe (including photos)

Everyone knows how to make polenta, but this is a little bit different ... and it's easy and delicious.

  • 2 eggs
  • corn flour
  • 1-2 sausages
  • 50 grams of butter
  • 100 grams of fresh cream
  • 300 grams of cheese

After the water boiled pour the corn flour mixing from time to time. Polenta is ready in approximately half an hour. Do not let it get too hard, but more like a porridge.

Put the baking paper on the bottom of the pan and add a row of polenta, a row of fresh cream, a row of cheese and a row of sausages. The last row will be polenta. Finish with a thin layer of butter.

Put it in the oven for 20 minutes at 190 degrees Celsius

Make small holes like nests in the composition and add the eggs.
After approximately another 20 minutes the composition is ready. 

Bon Appetit!

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