
Friday, January 4, 2013

Vakanz 2013 - Luxembourg tourism trade fair at LuxExpo

The annual "salon du tourisme" will take place at the usual LuxExpo site, during the week-end 18-20 January 2013:

Also as usual, the entrance ticket is 5 eur / person (but if you check the L'essentiel newspapers in the week preceding the fair, you will usually find a complimentary ticket inside).

More info on the Vakanz official website.


  1. Hello.

    i've enjoyed reading your blog and wonder if it would be possible to cottact you with a few Lux-specific questions regarding living in Luxembourg. I will soon be stationed there for a 2 to 3 year tour and a have a few questions I was hoping you could answer for me. some blogs have a "contact author" button but I don't see one for Lofe in Luxembourg.

    thanks in advance for your time!

  2. Hello, you can write us an e-mail at

    Thank you for the suggestion - we will try to add such a feature to our blog
