
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sweet bread with Nutella - recipe (including photos)

  • 600 grams of flour
  • Nutella spread (according to taste, we put several large spoons)
  • 150 milliliters of milk
  • 100 grams butter
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 20 grams of fresh yeast
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 spoon of lemon juice
  • the zest from half of the lemon
  • salt

Mix the yeast with 1 spoon of sugar, half of the milk and 1 spoon of flour and let it rest for 15-20 minutes.

Separate the egg whites from the egg yolks.
Beat the egg whites with the salt.

Beat the egg yolks with the remaining sugar until creamy.

Add the rest of the hot milk and mix.

Add the lemon juice and the lemon zest and mix.

Mix the flour with some salt.
Add the yeast mixture and mix a little bit.

Add the egg yolks little by little and mix.

Add the egg whites and mix well for a few minutes.

Add the melted butter little by little over the dough and mix for another few minutes until you obtain a non sticky dough.

Let the dough rest for 30-40 minutes in a warm place.

Divide the dough in 6 pieces.
Spread each part on the table and add the Nutella.
Roll the dough and put it in the tray.
Put another one beside it, and continue adding another 2 on top and then another 2 on top of these ones.

Put it in the oven at 170 Celsius degrees for 40-45 minutes.

The original recipe can be found here

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