
Monday, January 27, 2014

Angel food cake - recipe (including photos)

This recipe is very useful when you need to use 4 remaining egg whites from another recipe :)

  • 70 grams of sugar
  • 40 grams of flour
  • 4 egg whites
  • 1 vanilla sugar
  • 1 spoon with lemon juice
  • half of a spoon with baking powder 
  • a pinch of salt

Beat the egg whites until foamy. Add the baking powder previously mixed with the lemon juice, the vanilla sugar and half of the sugar.

Mix for another few minutes.

Add the flour, the salt and the rest of the sugar and mix slowly until everything is well incorporated.

Put the cake in the oven at 180 Celsius degrees for 20-30 minutes or until brown.

It can be served with fruits, whipped cream or whatever you like :)


My source of inspiration can be found here

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