
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Appetizer: tomato and mozzarella mini-tarts - recipe (including photos)

Ingredients for 12 mini tarts:
  • 1 packet of pastry dough (pâte brisée in french)
  • 6 small tomatoes
  • 6 small mozzarella balls
  • 2 red shallots
  • 1 spoon with olive oil
  • a few basil leaves
  • thyme
  • pepper
  • salt

Heat the olive oil. Add the chopped shallots and fry them until yellow.

Add the chopped tomatoes and let it cook at slow fire for 15-20 minutes.

Cut the pastry dough in 12 small round pieces and arrange them on the bottom of a muffin tray.

Cut every mozzarella in half and add it over the pastry. Above complete with the tomatoes/shallots mixture, the salt, the pepper, the basil leaves finely chopped and the thyme.

Cook the mini-tarts at 180 Celsius degrees for 20-25 minutes. Eat them warm!


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