
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Purse pie - recipe (including photos)

Ingredients for 3-4 big pies

For the dough:
  • 500 grams of flour
  • 300 milliliters of sparkling water
  • 100 milliliters of milk
  • 50 milliliters of olive oil
  • 15 grams of fresh yeast
  • 1 teapoon with sugar
  • a bit of salt
 Ingredients for the filling:
  • 500 grams of fresh cheese
  • 3 eggs
  • 50 grams of sugar

Mix the flour with the salt. Add the warm milk, which was previously mixed with the fresh yeast and the sugar.

Add the olive oil and the sparkling water and mix until you have a non sticky dough. Let it rest in a warm place for an hour.

Divide the dough in 4 equal parts (for 4 purse pies).
Spread each part on the table and cut it in a circle shaped layer. Help yourself by using a big round plate. The remaining bits of dough will be used later on.

Mix well the cheese with the egss and the sugar.

Spread a quarter of the cheese composition onto half of the layer of dough, then cover it with the other half of the same layer.

From a small part of dough make the other parts of the purse: the flower decoration and the handle.

Put the pie in the oven at 180 Celsius degrees for 35-40 minutes or until golden brown.

Bake every pie separately.

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