
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Oatmeal pancakes - recipe

  • 400 milliliters of Kefir
  • 2 eggs
  • half of a glass with oatmeal
  • half of a glass with semolina
  • salt
  • sunflower oil for frying

Mix the semolina, the oatmeal and the salt. Add the kefir, mix well and then let it rest for 1 hour in the fridge.

After 1 hour, beat the eggs for 3 - 4 minutes and then mix them with the kefir composition.

In a frying pan, add just a drop of sunflower oil and when the pan is hot add a few spoons of composition. It´s the usual process of making pancakes, nothing new in this phase :) .

When ready, you can eat them with jam or maple syrup.


The original recipe can be found here

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