
Sunday, October 16, 2016

Salmon tart - recipe (with step-by-step photos)

Ingredients for the pastry sheet:
  • 500 grams of flour
  • 230 grams of butter
  • 150 milliliters of milk
  • 120 milliliters of warm water
  • 15 grams of fresh yeast
  • half a teaspoon of honey
  • 1 egg yolk
  • salt

Ingredients for the filling 4-5 people:
  • 500 grams of salmon fillet
  • 200 grams of fresh cream
  • a few branches of dill
  • salt

Prepare the dough:

Mix the warm water with the fresh yeast and half a spoon of honey. Add 150 grams of flour and mix. Let it rest for 30 minutes in a warm place.

After the time has passed, incorporate 4 more spoons with flour, then add half of the warm milk and the egg and incorporate them well.

Then slowly incorporate the remaining flour, the salt and the rest of the milk until you have a non sticky dough.

At the end incorporate 30 grams of butter at room temperature into the dough. Let the dough rest for 1 hour in a warm place.

After the time passed, take out the dough and spread it on the table. Above spread the butter and fold the dough. Put it in the fridge for 40 minutes.

The process now is similar with the one for croissants:

Take out the dough from the fridge and spread it on the table. Fold it and put it again in the fridge for another 40 minutes.

Repeat the process another 2 times.

Preheat the oven.

Prepare the filling:

Clean and fry the salmon.


Take out the dough from the fridge and divide it in 2 parts. Spread them separately on the table.

Place the first layer of dough on the bottom of an oven pan.

Remove all scales and fat from the salmon and chop it in small pieces. Add the salmon meat over the bottom layer of dough.

Add the chopped dill, some salt and the fresh cream. Cover everything with the other part of the dough.

Put the tray in the preheated oven at 180 Celsius degrees for 25-35 minutes.


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