
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Utopolis is not too keen on hygiene

We've seen recently Avatar 3D at Utopolis cinema in Kirchberg, Luxembourg City.

While the movie seeing experience was great, we were very disappointed by the hygiene standard of Utopolis in regards to the special 3D glasses needed for watching the movie.

At the entrance in the cinema hall we were given reusable 3D glasses and an antibacterial paper wipe.

What bothered us the most was that the glasses were in state that the previous user left them, without being cleaned by Utopolis.

They were very greasy and dirty (probably the previous user had eaten popcorn and other oily stuff). Anyway, the so-called antibacterial wipe managed only to partially clean the glasses.

It's like going to the restaurant where you get the dirty knife and fork used by someone previously and they would tell you to wash it yourself.

In a world that is more and more concerned with the multitude of germs and viruses spreading around, we believe this policy is unacceptable.

Furthermore, Utopolis charges 1 EUR for glasses service fee (see the ticket below):

What exactly was the service here?

We've searched the net for similar experiences and found that, in many countries, the cinema cleans the glasses before giving them to the next user:

And the examples could continue ...


  1. Ouite by chance, I just read the comments above concerning the poor state of 3D glasses at Utopolis Cinemas Kirchberg Luxembourg. I recently saw the 3D Alice in the Wonderland. The 3D glasses were filthy. I had to exchange my pair and then it took 4 sanitary wipes to get the 2nd pair into a barely functional state. Despite my diligent efforts the lenses remained stained and unsanitary. I was not alone in my discomfort. Most of the viewers suffered filthy glasses. I would advise the management to invest in more 3D glasses and to make sure they are crystal clean. If not, they will certainly lose customers. Do they really want to lose customers who would otherwise provide a lifetime of incoming funds? I should think not. Their call.

  2. We have also seen Alice in Wonderland 3D last week and the glasses were in the same filthy state.
    We have made a complaint on their website in the contact section and we are waiting to see what they reply
