The best blueberry muffins - recipe
Ingredients for 12 muffins:
- 200 grams of wheat flour
- 100 -150 grams of sugar according to your taste
- 2 tablespoons of baking powder
- ...
2 months ago
Strasbourg always beautiful, thanks your sharing these photos! Merry Christmas to you and more and more (safety) journey in 2010 as well ;-)
funny, but I am not living in Hejokeresztur, so don't believe always to your "live activity feed" column ;-)
Gyuri,thanks for the nice wishes. We take this opportunity to returning to you all our best thoughts for these holidays and the next year
We noticed that the Live Feed is not very accurate, but we decided to keep it, because it's interesting for us and for the readers to see who's online, from where (approximately) and what they found interesting on the blog
Actually we are now in Slovenia, in Kranjska Gora and when we enter it appears that we are from Maribor, which is 200 km away
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